For information on refuse collections during the Royal Visit please click HERE 

Parish of St Helier Resident and Community groupsLes Dgaîngues dé Résidents et d’Commeunautés d’la Pâraisse dé Saint Hélyi

The Parish of St Helier has a wide range of community and resident groups, ranging from Neighbourhood Improvement Areas, to local sporting clubs, to the Twinning Committees.

Community Groups

  • About
    The Liberation Pétanque Club was established in 2011 and is one of 4 affiliate clubs of Pétanque Jersey, the governing body of the sport of pétanque in the Island of Jersey. The Club is open to all and their terrain is located at Weighbridge Gardens.
  • About
    The Battle of Flowers Committee creates and builds the annual St Helier Battle of Flowers float. The group is very welcoming and is keen to create a community atmosphere. All islanders are welcome to join.
  • About
    The St Helier Youth and Community Trust provides financial assistance in the form of grants to individuals, community projects, charitable organisations and other worthy causes. To apply simply contact us via email or by visiting the website and downloading a grant application form.
  • About
    The Parish of St Helier has 64 plots varying in size which are leased to plot holders on a yearly basis for a tenancy fee of between £100 and £120 per annum. The site at Surville cemetery is run by an active committee and the plot holders all take great pride in maintaining their allotments.
  • About
    The St Helier In Bloom group are a group of parishioners of all ages who are interested in gardening and getting outdoors who would like the Parish’s support to put their green fingers to good use. They coordinate the Parish’s entry in the RHS Britain in Bloom competition and help make St Helier’s parks, gardens and public spaces even more beautiful. The group is always looking for new members, so please get in touch if St Helier in Bloom sounds like its for you!
    Meeting Date Meeting Type Meeting Type
    20th April, 2023 April 2023 Meeting April 2023 Meeting View Minutes (PDF)

Neighbourhood Improvement Areas

Resident Groups

Twinning Committees

  • About
    On Wednesday 23 June 1982 the Parish of St Helier became formally ‘twinned’ with the town of Avranches in Normandy, France, for the purpose of cultural, educational and social exchanges.
  • About
    In September 1941 Britain detained German civilians working in Iran which angered Hitler, who immediately retaliated by issuing an order demanding that British-born citizens living in the Channel Islands be detained. By the end of 1942, over 2000 Islanders had been transported to Germany with over 600 being taken to Bad Wurzach. On 28 April 1945 those interned at Bad Wurzach were freed by French troops. Over the years many visits by surviving internees have taken place, and even student exchange programmes, leading to the formal ‘twinning’ in 2002 as a sign of reconciliation.
  • About
    Jersey has been home to thousands of Madeiran people, the first having arrived after the Second World War looking for work in agriculture and tourism. A Friendship Agreement was signed in 1998 by the Bailiff and the President of Madeira, with the twinning being formally created at Easter 2012.
  • About
    St Helier’s newest Twinning came about after an event held on 12th December 2022, which proved extremely successful, and after Ukrainians living locally expressed interest in such a twinning. In 2022, following Ukraine’s invasion on 24th February, to support and show solidarity for Ukraine, the Parish of St Helier become one of Jersey’s collection centers and continues to fundraise to support the people of Mykolaiv. In July 2023, the Mayor of Mykolaiv Oleksandr Senkevych and two of his deputies visited the island for the first time where the Twinning Memorandum was signed in person having been previously signed via zoom.