For information on refuse collections during the Royal Visit please click HERE 

Storm Ciarán – Parish Update 0830 01/11/2023

The Parish of St Helier continues to prepare for the arrival of Storm Ciarán.

We will continue to provide updates here and on our social media pages from now until the end of the storm.

Refuse, Glass, Cardboard and Recycling

To protect the safety of our parishioners and team there will be no refuse, glass, recycling or cardboard collection on Thursday 2nd November 2023.

Refuse, glass and cardboard collections scheduled for Thursday will now take place on Saturday.

Recycling collections scheduled for Thursday will be collected on Friday.

Please do not put your bins out on Wednesday night / Friday morning.

Advice to Businesses

Whilst there has been no formal advice issued by government regarding businesses, many are already choosing to close.

We urge you to follow the current advice which is to stay at home and to do what you think is right for the safety of your employees and customers.

Vulnerable Parishioners

If you are concerned about someone in our community, please contact our community support officer at the Town Hall on 811854.