Project Trident

The Parish of St Helier was delighted to once again support Project Trident.
Lianna, a student from Hautlieu School, finished her two-week placement with the Town Centre and Events Team last week.
Lianna was taken on a tour of the Parish visiting Westmount Day Nursery, the Depot, the Honorary Police, and the parks, gardens and cemeteries.
In the Town Hall, Lianna spent time with HR, Customer Services, Finance, the Parish Secretary and the Town Crier Editor. She created a marketing plan for the upcoming Ambassador Competition and put together a presentation on technology for towns. She also learnt key office skills such as shredding, filing and scanning.
Lianna said that she enjoyed the experience a lot more than she thought she would and especially enjoyed her tour of the Parish.
It was a pleasure to have Lianna as part of the team for two-weeks and we hope she took away something valuable from her experience with the Parish of St Helier.