Notice to owners of land, houses, buildings and other structures

Each owner of land in every parish has been served with a notice to make an Annual Return of all land, houses, buildings and other structures owned at 1 January 2025.

Any owner who has not received a notice and Annual Return should contact the Connétable.

By virtue of this notice each owner shall be taken to have been served with a notice and it shall not be an excuse for non-compliance for an owner to show that a notice was not served on them.

If you fail without reasonable cause to make an Annual Return within 15 days of the service of the notice you’ll be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of up to £1,000. Parish of St Helier Annual Returns should be returned to the Town Hall by Friday 31st January 2025.

If you’re charged with this offence, you may be dealt with at a Parish Hall Enquiry and may accept a fine of up to £200.

Transfer of land

Where ownership of land is transferred, written notice of the transfer of land must be given by the former owner and the new owner to the Connétable within 7 days.

If you fail to do this without reasonable cause you’ll be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of up to £10,000.

Change of name or address of owner or occupier

Where an owner or occupier of a property on 1 January 2025 changes their name or address, they must give notice to the Connétable within 7 days.

If you fail to do this without reasonable cause, you’ll be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of up to £1,000.