Display of goodsLa Mouontréthie d’marchandises
Displaying of goods on footways and pedestrian areas adds to the colour and atmosphere of everyday life and can enhance the environment within which we live and work. However, they can also interfere with the public passage along pavements and can cause a hazard, particularly for disabled and visually impaired people, therefore the Parish needs to assess each request to ensure that it does not result in a public safety issue.

Applying for a Display of Goods licence
Displaying of goods on the public footways and pedestrian areas must be licensed. Applying to display goods is easy – simply complete the Display of Goods Application Form and return it to [email protected] along with a copy of your public liability insurance (minimum cover of £2 million). We will assess the application and advise you of the cost for the permit. In 2022 this is currently £160.62 per sq. m.
Permit renewal
We will issue you with a permit once approved and payment has been made. Please note that the permit will expire on 31 December at which time you can apply for a renewal. Please use the same application form for a renewal application.
Things to note
- Areas for the display of goods will be limited to a maximum projection from building of 1.5m (5ft). However, each application will be considered on its merits and may be reduced in size, dependant on location, width of pavement and emergency access requirements.
- Display goods will not be permitted over a height of 1.5m (5ft).
- Approval to display goods will not be given unless a minimum footpath width of 1.50 m (5ft) can be achieved between the goods and the kerb edge. The Parish reserves the right to increase this in busy areas of St Helier.
- All stands, racks and rails are to be ‘weighted’ or have suitable ‘feet’ to prevent falling.
- Applications must be submitted with written evidence of consultation with adjacent premises. Consultation shall consist of the presentation by the applicant of full details of the goods to be displayed and a request for their written approval. Adjacent businesses not approving the display goods must state reasons why.
- Goods will only be permitted within the frontage of the premises to be licensed. No goods will be allowed in remote locations.
Please refer to the application form for full terms and conditions which is reviewed regularly.