Shoppers show confidence in St Helier this Christmastime

The Parish of St Helier is delighted that recent figures show St Helier footfall being on track to be at its highest level since pre-pandemic.

In the week beginning 28th November, almost one hundred and fifty-eight thousand (157,791) visited St Helier’s town centre, a figure which is up by over 13,000 on the same week last year.

Since the pandemic, footfall has on average been down by around 30% and, whilst not expected to exceed the 2019 figures, the most recent figures show that the number of people visiting town is high despite some Christmas events being cancelled.

The Parish is also welcoming significant numbers of visitors to town for late-night shopping on a Thursday and on a Sunday too.

Town Centre & Events Manager, Connor Burgher, said, “I’m really pleased with the latest round of footfall figures, as these are not normal times and local businesses need every bit of help they can get right now. It is also pleasing to know that so many people are taking advantage of what St Helier has to offer from both a shopping and hospitality point of view.”

Notes for editors:

Footfall is recorded by a Springboard footfall counter on King Street.

The latest footfall report can be found in the downloads section below.

For more information and interview requests, please contact Town Centre & Events Manager, Connor Burgher, at [email protected] or 811835.

Footfall report PR 081222