Update from the Chairman of the St Helier Battle of Flowers Association

After a 3 year-long hiatus from entering the Battle of Flowers parade St Helier once again returned to the 2023 summer parade with their paper float the “The Roaring 20’s”. We had eight months to prepare the float for the summer parade, and as we had already selected the theme for the float in 2020 before the pandemic, thought it would only be sensible to continue with the chosen theme.  After months of hard work from our dedicated team of volunteers we won three awards:

Prix d’Honneur de Papier

Best Set Piece Paper

Best Two-Dimensional Detailed Work – Paper

I would like to thank everyone that helped to make the 2023 summer float possible.

At the beginning of October, we held this year’s AGM with the following committee members: –

Chairman: – Alexis Marett

Vice Chairman: – Hilary Ann Ratazzi

Treasurer: – Stefan Offert

Vice Treasurer: – Tara Duncan

Secretary: – Jane Skelhorn

Committee Members: – Keith Skelhorn, Leonarda Faria, Nat Astal, Ruth Talbot

It was a disappointment to all that the Christmas parade did not go ahead this year, it’s an opportunity to allow everyone that helped in the summer parade to decorate the float and let their hair down at the parade. However, this has given us some more time to do some much-needed maintenance on the float to get ready for 2024 Summer Parade.

For the 2024 Summer Parade we have chosen the design “La Belle et Le Bête” which will feature a grand castle, roses, and characters from the fairy tale. We have already started designing the float and making flowers for the float.

If you wish to help with this year’s float with either building, flower making, costumes or dancing, then please contact us using the details below or you can attend one of the weekly meetings: –

Float Building – Wednesdays 18:00 – St Helier Battle of Flowers Shed, St. Helier Municipal Services Depot, La Grande Route de St. Jean.

Flower Making – Thursdays 18:30 – Old Magistrates Court, St Helier Town Hall.

Float Building & Flower Making – Sundays 14:00 – St Helier Battle of Flowers Shed

If any individual or business would like to financially support the St Helier Battle of Flowers Association, donations would be gratefully received. 

Please send cheques to: – Flat 12, Le Close Du Val, Columbus Street, Saint Helier JE2 3SR or Directly to the bank account: –

St Helier Battle of Flowers Association

Sort code: 30-94-61

Account No: 60462060

Contact Details

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shbof