Tickets now available for the annual Senior Citizen’s Outing

Application for tickets for the Parish’s annual senior citizens afternoon drive and cream tea at the Bay Tree Restaurant at St Peter’s Garden Centre are now available.

You can attend on either Wednesday 10 July or Thursday 11 July from 1.15pm to 5pm.

Tickets are free and will be available on a first come first served basis as spaces are limited.

If you would like to attend on either date please collect a form from the Town Hall. Forms must be completed and returned by Friday 7 June with tickets being issued during the week commencing Monday 10 June.

If you cannot attend the Town Hall to collect an application form, please call our Customer Services Department on 01534 811811.

The drive will depart and arrive back at Gloucester Street. Parishioners who need assistance with their mobility are advised to contact Jacqui Jolley on 01534 811854.