St Helier’s fifth twinning

On Wednesday 22nd February, parishioners agreed to accept the wish of some Ukrainians living locally that our town enters into a Twinning Memorandum of Understanding with a town in Ukraine, as this would be a valuable expression of support for one particular community during a time of extreme hardship. Indeed, the agreement of the proposed twinning took place just two days before the anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine which the Parish also marked with a concert held in the Town Church featuring the Musical Originals singers and instrumentalists. The Mayor of Mykolaiv, our new twin town, was obviously unable to be with us for the occasion but he recorded a message of greeting which was played during the service and also did a fascinating interview with Channel Television. St Helier’s twinning coincides with Jersey Overseas Aid directing some of the Island’s support for Ukraine to Mykolaiv over the coming months. This includes vital medical supplies and mine clearance training.  Clearly, the kind of mutually beneficial activities which have characterised the Parish’s other twinnings (Avranches, Bad Wurzach, Funchal and Trenton) including internships at the Town Hall and the General Hospital, Youtheatre exchanges, visits of bands and choirs etc, will not be possible until peace has returned to Ukraine.