Election of new Roads Committee member
Following the successful election of Roads Committee member John Baker to the position of Procureur du Bien Public, the Parish will be holding an election at a Parish Assembly at the Town Hall on Wednesday 22nd March 2023 at 7.30pm, where it will seek nominations of candidates to complete a term of office expiring on the 31st of December 2023.
To be eligible to stand for election to the Parish Roads Committee, candidates must be a member of the Assembly – either a ratepayer, an elector or a mandataire (a nominated representative of a company who pays rates to the Parish).Candidates will be required to set out their manifesto in a speech lasting no longer than 5 minutes before taking questions from the Assembly. A ballot will be held, and the successful candidate will be required to take an oath before the Royal Court.
The Roads Committee is made up of 5 elected members, along with the Dean and the Constable. Meetings are also attended by the Procureurs du Bien Public and are open to the public. The Roads Committee meets once a month on a Wednesday morning to discuss a wide range of matters, particularly regarding roads and open spaces, as well as being required to attend the two Visites du Branchage which take place in June and September each year. Anyone interested in being elected for the role should email [email protected] or telephone