Constable invites feedback on proposed Neighbourhood Improvement Areas


The Constable of St Helier, Mr Simon Crowcroft, is asking residents for feedback on a proposed Neighbourhood Improvement Area on Poonah and Pomona Road.

In 2022 the Constable identified several neighbourhood improvement areas which are intended to deliver public realm enhancements for local communities.

Following initial feedback from residents, the Parish is now able to share the improvement plans before requesting the necessary funds from the Parish Rates Assembly being held onWednesday 10th July 2024.

The proposals, which include more green space, enhancements for walking and cycling, wider pavements, granite pavements, heritage-style lighting, more bins, and traffic calming, can be viewed online: HERE

The plans will also be displayed in the Town Hall’s Customer Services Department from Monday 10th June until Friday 23rd June.

The scheme designers will be at the Town Hall’s Old Magistrate’s Court on Seale Street on Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th June from 12 noon-2pm and from 5pm-6.30pm daily.

Constable Crowcroft said “I hope parishioners take the opportunity to review the plans and I would like to reassure you that the scheme will not affect access to anyone’s property. I am hopeful that this scheme will provide the blueprint for similar investment around our Town.”