Cleveland Road footpath and carriageway resurfacing
On Monday 23rd January Pallot Tarmac will commence the resurfacing of the road and footpaths to a section of Cleveland Road (from its junctions with La Route du Fort to Croydon Road). This work will take 3 weeks, and whilst the works are carried out, the following Parish roads will be restricted:
• Nelson Avenue (West) closed – access only and temporary two–way
• Croydon Road – open as normal but no left turn restriction into Cleveland Road
• Croydon Lane – open as normal but no left turn restriction into Cleveland Road
• Cleveland Avenue – open as normal but no right turn restriction into Cleveland Road
The works will be carried out under a Full Road Closure between 8.30am and 4.30pm.
Should there be any changes to this, businesses/residents will be informed.
If you have any questions regarding access arrangements or traffic management, please contact Karl Kent at Pallot Tarmac on 07700 332606.