Advertising BoardsLes Pannieaux d’Annonches

Why are Advertising Boards licensed?
“A” Boards on footways and pedestrian areas can add to the colour and atmosphere of everyday life and can enhance the environment within which we live and work. However, they can also interfere with the public passage along pavements and create a hazard, particularly for disabled and visually impaired people; therefore, the Parish needs to assess each request to ensure that it does not result in a public safety issue.
How to apply for a licence
Advertising Boards must be licensed to be displayed on the public highway. Applying to display an Advertising Board is easy: simply complete the online application form or download a PDF application form and return it to [email protected] along with a copy of your public liability insurance (minimum cover of £2 million) and a £82.94 licence fee.
Please note that if you have multiple boards, you will need to submit an application for each board.
Once granted, the licence runs through until 31 December of each year, after which a new application will need to be submitted.
Paying for your licence
The licence fee can be paid by card over the ‘phone by calling our Customer Services department (01534) 811733 or by enclosing cash or cheque with your application form.
Size restrictions
Licences will only be granted if the display board is within the maximum measurements of 600mm (2ft) wide, 600mm (2ft) deep and 1200mm (4ft) high, and if a minimum footpath width of 1.50m can be achieved between the board and the kerb edge.
Displaying your licence
It is important that your licence label is displayed on your Advertising Board to allow Honorary Road Inspectors to identify boards that are/are not licensed. Any boards displayed without a licence will be deemed an obstruction under the Highways (Jersey) Law 1956 and may be removed with seven days’ notice, and the owner may be liable to prosecution.